Between The Buried And Me “The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues” CD
1. Specular Reflection
2. Augment of Rebirth
3. Lunar Wilderness
Between the Buried and Me’s storied career began back in the year 2000. Since their inception, they’ve released six full length albums and one live album: Between the Buried and Me (2002, Lifeforce), The Silent Circus (2003, Victory), Alaska (2005, Victory), The Anatomy Of (2006, Victory), Colors (2007, Victory), Colors Live (2008, Victory), The Great Misdirect (2009, Victory). Between the Buried and Me (BTBAM) has thrived both with their albums and through their engaging and unparalleled live show. BTBAM challenges listeners with their ever-evolving musical style, juxtaposed compositions, ultra-long songs, and deep lyrical concepts, as opposed to giving in to the lowest common denominator to try and expand their fan base. This has resulted in a fanatically loyal following and albums that consistently make it onto the myriad of top 10 lists in any year BTBAM releases an album.
The next step in BTBAM’s musical journey involves a new label home in Metal Blade Records and another trek into boundary and genre defying song-writing that is their new album, The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues.
The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues serves as the first installment of a two-part story. Hypersleep introduces two human characters who live in different planes of existence, separated by millions of light years. We find that each of them is confronted with similar personal issues that they need to reckon with. Both characters make decisions that will change their lives, and perhaps the course of the universe, forever. The follow up album will pick up the story with our two main characters, with the help of near light speed travel, meeting each other and realizing together their purpose in the universe.
Musically, it sounds like Between the Buried and Me. Hypersleep has elements of aggression, beauty, quirkiness, and pure cacophony. Vocalist Tommy Rogers adds, “For Hypersleep, we establish several themes which I’m sure will be revisited in the next album, which is something we really look forward to. We love to expand on simple ideas and see where they take us.”
Metal Blade Records item #149992